Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 2 - My trip

This week was full of work. It felt like it never ended. Working nights is tiring and it feels like I have no spare time to do anything else. I go to sleep late, I get up late, I don’t get a chance to see anyone. There was a highlight during the week though – I had Wednesday off and made it down to the Northcote Social Club to see Gary Olsen from The Ladybug Transistor playing with his Australian backing band. There were 7 up on stage so it was a good complete sound and they played many of my favourite Ladybug Transistor songs. I had a nice meal beforehand and went to Sarah’s place afterwards and played guitar hero for a little while before sleeping on their couch (it’s a quite comfy couch!)

The question i’m getting a lot this week, which is hard to answer is “Did you enjoy your trip?” – Usually not a difficult question, however it is when you had the trip I had. Usually the people asking the question don’t have time for a long answer and are generally expecting ‘it was great’ or ‘awesome’ or ‘it was so great’... the shortest answer i can give is “Didn’t enjoy Africa, enjoyed Europe and London at the time but looking back at my time there makes me depressed”- so obviously that answer usually precedes further questions, however most people are asking in passing and don’t have time for explanations so i have to say ‘it was great’ but i really don’t mean it. Usually I just shrug my shoulders, but most people don’t accept that answer.

This weekend I went out past Ballarat to slightly past the middle of nowhere for a film shoot. We were shooting Troll Bridge. It was a very well organised shoot. I was very impressed with everything about it. The only disappointing thing about was that out of all the crew roles on the set, my role was the one thing I have never done before. I could have done any of the other jobs (except make-up/sfx) but i was given the job of Data transfer guy or something. My job was to transfer the footage from the cameras to a hard drive. Very very exciting. I felt fairly useless pretty much the whole time I was there. On the second day I managed to do a little filming for the making of documentary. I got a couple of good shots, but most of it was fairly average.

And that was my week. How exciting!

Tonight is Oscars night which I am looking forward to. It should be a good night.

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