Friday, November 30, 2007

#20 I too can youtube!

This was harder than I thought. I’ve used youtube before but mainly looking at stuff people send to me, and usually it’s funny or interesting. And obviously I’ve used it a little during the learning 2.0 program. But when I had to find something on my own to post in here I had a bit of trouble. There is so much rubbish out there!! I browsed randomly for a while and found nothing, and then I typed in “Christmas humour” thinking that a nice funny Christmas video would look nice on my blog. They weren’t funny though. Not one. I also found some “vlogs” which I guess I can see the point of but I didn’t see anything that interested me. Not something I could do myself, I’m not that interesting. I enjoy looking at youtbe for the old tv show themes that I used to watch but can’t remember. A while ago I found the opening credits to Pugwall which was a show I used to like, and Supergran, another show and book/s that I loved. But these weren’t really something that I wanted to post on my blog. I was surprised that I actually learnt a bit about youtube during this task. When I started searching for music videos I found videos of people with guitars showing how to play various songs. I liked this and didn’t know stuff like that was on there.

After looking at a lot of videos that were just made by random people and weren’t very good, or were live and didn’t sound great, I found some good ones. I have decided to post one on here from Belle and Sebastian, another favourite band of mine. I chose this video since it sort of combines music and books, which the library does now quite often with bands playing every couple of months or so. Libraries never used to be noisy with bands playing but I guess it’s just another aspect of libraries 2.0 – the way libraries will be in the future to relate to the people of today. I know web 2.0 is all about information technology, but I think libraries 2.0 is a bit more than that.
It turns out that I did find a couple of non-official music videos that weren’t too bad so I’ve added them below. If I knew how to upload videos to youtube I could put up a couple of the music videos I’ve worked on but I don’t have the equipment.

This first song is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, I had to go through a lot of different videos on youtube to find one that looked ok and sounded good, but I couldn’t not put this song on – it’s too great.

This other video was just another that caught my eye. Another great song with some great images.
When posting youtube videos onto my blog I have to adjust the width and height settings otherwise the video is cut off a bit on the right hand side. For these videos I also tried adjusting the colour settings to make it green like my blog template.

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