Thursday, November 29, 2007

#18 Zoho documents

Zoho writer

This is a task I've been looking forward to. I didn't skip ahead like some other people have because I like to do things in order. I was actually looking forward to learning about Google Docs but I realise now that this task is more about Zoho. I think I'll try google docs later anyway. One thing I've noticed already about Zoho writer is that it doesn't automatically capitalise I's when typing the word "I" - I guess I've become used to this from writing in Microsoft Word. I'll have to go back and capitalise them all before i try publishing to my blog.

Online word processing is a great idea and would be very handy for many of our customers here at the library. Currently our internet computers don't have any software for creating document, and our word processing computers don't have any internet access. This makes it hard for customers that wish to email resumes, open attached files, etc. Also, our word processing computers have a feemoney-mouthand zoho and google docs are free to use. I think it would be a good idea for us to run a class or a session on using these web applications.

As you can see above I've tried linking to a couple of website from this document. Hopefully that will all transfer to my blog ok when I post this on there. frown

I'm not too sure how to post to my blog but I'll give it a shot. I think I'll try the publish link... It's odd that the words google and blog aren't in the spell check....

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