Thursday, October 25, 2007

#8 Feeding my bloglines account rss

October has been a busy month. It may only have 31 days but it somehow managed to have at least 6 weeks. This month there was:
Carer’s week
Mental Health Awareness week
Worksafe week
Anti-Poverty week
Children’s week
Senior’s week
And also the Northern Notes Writers Festival.
And World Osteoporosis day and World Teachers Day. How do I know about all these weeks? Because I’m the one that has to stick up all the posters promoting them, and there’s not enough room at this library for that many posters!

Anyway, I finally got around to creating a bloglines account and finding ten feeds to subscribe to. I’ve posted a link to my rss feeds on my blog so feel free to have a look at those if you have the time. Since I signed up to them yesterday I’ve found that the ABC breaking news feed has fed me 138 new news stories so I’m not sure how long I will keep that subscription going, although it is good to have a quick browse through the headlines. The other feeds havn’t really had any new posts yet but I do think the rss feeds will be handy to look at all the sites I’m interested in in one place. I think it would be handy for the library to set up rss feeds that customers could subscribe to to let them know when their reservations are in. Emails seem to work fine at the moment, but as rss becomes more popular, I think it could be a good option. Also with library news and events. It could be very handy.

I’m guessing that this time next week there will probably be a lot of blog posts going around about the new ABC show The Librarians so I think I’ll try and get my opinion in early – I don’t think it looks as good as everyone is expecting. I hope I’m wrong, but the ads I’ve seen so far just don’t look funny. We’ll see next week.

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