So Anna and I have finally set a date for our wedding. I wanted late next year (Maybe Spring or something) she wanted early next year. Since she always wins these discussions, it will be early next year. At this stage it looks like being the 2nd of March.
It is going to be small. So small that I’ve had to cut back our guest list. It will be under 100 people. I’d love a lot more people there, but we are also trying to keep costs low.
We plan to hold a (short) ceremony at Edinburgh Gardens.
Probably not at the rotunda because even though it looks nice in this picture, it is close to noisy trams and usually has ugly graffiti on it, etc.
Across the road from here is a hall where we will have a basic reception-type gathering afterwards. There will be finger-food and drinks available, but not a sit down meal. (We just can’t afford it.)
So as you can see, there will be plenty of room for everyone to sit or have a dance if they like the music I have picked for the evening.
After the ceremony a few of us will take the time to get some photos around the place while the rest of the guests can either come over to the hall and get started on some beers, or if they are after a more substantial meal, maybe that would be a good point to get an early dinner elsewhere before coming to the hall. Though there will be plenty of finger-food so no one will go hungry!
So far we have tentatively booked the two locations but are yet to pay any money because we need to find a celebrant available on the day we need first. This is the next step then we can hopefully lock in the day and send out some invites.
I will let you know how this progresses via this blog and will post soon about our celebrant hunt and honeymoon plans.
Thanks for reading.